About Us
We are a small family farm committed to a thriving ecosystem
Old River Farm is is located on the fertile soil of the Connecticut River Valley, where thousands of years ago a huge river built up some of the best soil in the world. We take this rich soil and nurture wholesome crops in an ecosystem that feeds itself, without harsh chemicals or additives.
The hives of honeybees pollinate our herbs and vegetables and our field of flowers- peonies, lavender, snapdragons- help sustain them with rich nectar. The pastured chickens turn excess produce into fresh eggs and make compost for the fields and the hundred year old maple trees help keep the temperature down in the heat of the summer. All this working together means we can grow you fresh vegetables, flowers, herbs, and other goodies (like maple syrup, honey, and eggs).
Our commitment to natural and sustainable practices means we grow delicious vegetables and herbs that you can feel good about eating. We are certified organic
Our appreciation of beauty means that every weekly delivery will be a treat for you with gifts like charming, old fashioned blooms like peonies, hydrangeas, dahlias, irises, and snapdragons.
Our commitment to customer satisfaction means that we will make life for your busy family a little easier with the convenience of delivery and choice about what you get.